Local Chapters of THEA
From West to East
MHEA, Memphis Home Education Association
WTHEA, West Tennessee Home Education Association
MTHEA, Middle Tennessee Home Education Association
CSTHEA, Chattanooga Southeast Tennessee Home Education Association
METHEA, Mid-East Tennessee Home Education Association
SMHEA, Smoky Mountain Home Education Association
NETHEA, North East, Tennessee Home Education Association
THEA has one chapter that is statewide, the Christian Communicators of Tennessee, or CCT. The Board of THEA understands that for each person to be engaged in a Constitutional Republican form of Government, where their views are to be represented by one of their peers who has been selected to serve in public office, it is important for students to learn to listen and evaluate what they have heard and read, and then be capable of speaking in a winsome, persuasive, dramatic, engaging, perhaps even humorous manner to communicate their perspective on matters of public importance. A society with articulate listening citizens should be able to perform the tasks of life in a more congenial, engaged, respectfully interactive manner.